Sunday, March 15, 2015

It has been  a wonderful weekend, Brad, Nikole, Honey and Indiana were here.  And because they were here several things  happened.  Nikole and I went on a  walk Sat. morning , and we met  Nancy and Norman.  Nancy has chickens and sell eggs,  I was given  my first dozen free, we had them scrambled this morning , yummm,  they  tasted  very good and the eggs  were very yellow in color,  I will be  going to buy my next dozen.  While visiting with Nancy I discovered  she like Blue Birds and has  blue bird houses that she puts  up and she was going to put some up on  JoAnn's  property. Only she didn't know that she had moved , needless to say Nikole and I carried 2 Blue Bird  houses  back home !   They are now up along the pasture fence awaiting someone to build a nest.

Today Nikole  and I walked  and  took a detour on the way home. We  went down by the property line to the creek,  then stepping carefully got down to the creek, crossed the creek by stepping on a  clump of grass,  then we were on a sandbar/ beaver dam type area,  we crossed by walking on a  fallen tree to the other side,  then ended up taking off and shoes and socks  and wadding across  again!  The  water was  cold, but  we made it and  did not fall down, only some mud on our shoes and some  scratches on legs.   What  a  great  time  !!

 The dogs  had  a  fun time, running and playing, sniffing and Honey even took a  little  dip / lay down in the creek , she was mud  from  the tip of her little nose to her  feet. But she was  happy.

So  a  great weekend with  lots  of  things  that happened.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Not at all surprised that Honey had a swim. I saw a picture on facebook of two sleeping dogs on the way home and figured they had a big time. I didn't think to ask if this was their first visit or if they had come along when you moved.
