Sunday, June 7, 2015

We had  almost an inch of rain last night, which was good as things were starting to get  a little dry.  Used my wonderful hoe today again, and noticed that there are blooms on the green beans.  The sweet corn is about 10 inches high. Onions  are   great , garlic is so so , dill and carrots  are growing, as are the potatoes.

There Blue Birds  have built another nest , so hopefully we will have another brood of little birds.

Nothing like taking a  city girl and putting her in the country,  I encountered poison ivy last Sunday, only a few more new blisters  today. Hopefully in another week things will be getting better.


  1. Wonderful news--well except for the poison ivy. I am feeling bad for you about that but hoping you will soon be feeling better. I am jealous. My beans and sweet corn are planted but have not broken thru the ground yet.
