I have neglected the blog, and don't remember how to do some things like transferring photos to here, I probably could figure it out but it is to much trouble. Google says I changed my password 4 months ago , I don't remember doing that ??
The garden is growing , slowly , we had a cold April, and did not get the garden planted till mid to late April. Then we did not have rain and it went to 90+ ' in May , many days and now that it is June it is still in the 90's and no rain. I water with the rain barrel water , but it is just to hot. The carrots did not come up , Brad bought me new seeds I have planted those May 21 they did not come up so today 6-6-18 I have planted carrots for a third time. I also replanted Cilantro and Dill as the dill did not come up and there are only 5 tiny plants of Cilantro. My tomatoes and peppers look " great", I got those from Lorri, the pepper have lots of flowers and there are lots of flowers on tomatoes and there are small tomatoes already. Lorri also sent sweet potatoes, french bush beans and Kolhrobi. Those are all planted and appear to be doing well, she also sent cucumbers and if I keep those watered they look great. I planted pie pumpkin 2 hills and 2 hills of giant pumpkins. Only 1 hill of pie pumpkin came up so I went " nuts" and planted 4 more hills of pie pumpkin in flower area by garden and down in a corner of pasture , they are all up and doing well. Then because those were slow to germinate , I got worried and planted the remaining 19 pie pumpkin seeds that I had in cups, and you guessed it they all germinated. So I offered Kaylea some and planted 5 hills at the Boone Master Gardener Community Garden, and so far those look good.
I have tried to expand my herbs, still have Chives, Sage ,mint that are established, I planted new this year, Lemon Balm, Yarrow- Red and yellow , Lemon Grass and Stevia. Then in my herb planter I have Basil, rosemary, parsley , and a small planter with Thyme and Oregano.
So I keep the garden hoed, and weed free, I have used cut up 5 gal pails around the tomatoes and peppers, to help hold water in , also mulched with grass clippings.
Will try to see if I can figure out the photo thing.